SHOCK: Man on trial killed as he attacks judge SHOCK: Man on trial killed as he attacks judge... That crime scene full of roomful witness, therefore, I think that man's lawyer needs to do 個人信貸the duty to ask US Supreme Court to sentence that killer (obviously showed too stupid bad ugly evil to know that judge must be more deserved 襯衫 to be killed than any individual stupid bad ugly evil civilian. To kill a defenseless individual innocent civilian on the floor of court, must more deserve to 租屋網be killed than that innocent civilian just making natural self-defense to respond that sucking judge abusive voice or attitude.) and that judge(You stupid bad ugly evil so called Judge 會場佈置 dare abuse your public power to look down any powerless individual civilian civil right to have the freedom to hide, you stupid bad ugly evil so called Judge dare abuse your publci power to call that pow 室內裝潢erless innocent individual weak wicked sick stupid bad ugly evil civilian up to offend him or her too mad to keep silent nice, you must more deserve to be killed and go to hells than any criminal in this earth.) to dead penal 信用卡代償ty to make them to pay their crime caught in the scene seeing that man's civil right like nothing in front of the justice righteous eyes and ears (Like Chinese said "Lie.Swall.10.Fail.Jer.Ben.10.10.Fail.Ren", therefore, any fair and balance 小額信貸ears and eyes Judge or Court must have to have the common sense and brain cell to make self judgement to see if the whistle blower can absolute have the better power of honesty to deserve the credibility to waste The Honorable Court and Judge to give ears and eyes to g 節能燈具rant the requested case. That how all business owner must have to see individual customer first so called "Customer First", because any business body must have no way to afford to seek the power of honesty from any powerless individual poor or rich single buyer. Because if that powerless ind 永慶房屋ividual poor and rich single buyer can do better than you business body, how come that single body need to come to pay you sucking business body to buy whatever you sucking goods may be) . .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

vaqlzntsa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          Tue. Oct.03 2006 Texas It is 12:36pm Texas time. This morning before 10:30 am, I ate 2pieces of bread, a chicken leg + meat, a banana, an ice cream bar and a cup of hot chocolat 房屋出租e, I feel I ate too much, why did I eat that much? I think if I want to eat that much, I 酒店兼職 should do more labor works, but for some invisible blocks, I just could not move out of door to work, I don 酒店兼職9;t know what is it, may be I need try to figure it out. I went to get a nap, woke up staying thinking on the bed, I figure out how c 借貸ome I don't like to move out of door to do the chore, because it is the woman's natural good sense to like to stay in door like the old time, woman us 小額信貸ed to stay home and waiting for their dad or husband or big brother back home to have fun or have meal together. Therefore, I think parents should raise kids under good natur 房地產al environment like my parents had done to me, so that when the kids growing up they will eventually respect the natural good sense, girl will naturally willing to stay home like her woman's natural role seo. It is 21:28 Texas time. I ate 2pieces of bread, one big piece of chicken, a dish of fry lettuce,  a can of green tea and 2 small ice cream bars. I feel funny that because I tend to record the food eaten making 買屋me thinking about the writing more than eatself when I having the meal.I don't like meat that much like I used to when I was younger, I ate the meat simply because it was there kind like a responsibility to finish it to avoid thro 開幕活動wing into trash, why? why rather filling into stomach than add more trash?  I guess may be shit is more friendly to earth than trash.  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 小額信貸  .

vaqlzntsa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          Chile Earthquake Taiwanese, you need to prepare more natural disasters coming to your place. because it is Mother Natural is doing whatever she can to save (That how the State of Texas will get the most unexpectable big Earth Quak 裝潢e to have one of the highest mountains in this world to make sure no liar can come to bother this only Great State in USA.) this Earth, therefore, the 帛琉 smaller, the less powerful nations are the ones she wants to save most, the place she wants to save most, the place must have more natural disasters ahead so that she 信用卡代償can help you to get natural wild back to your place sooner.You must make law to demand anyone can kill (You must not save anyone, unless you are sure that you can take care that anyone saved by 網路行銷 you to live a better[That how a man must not give that woman to have kid, unless he can be sure that kid brought into this world by him can live a better life than himself. That how you are called dad, y 花蓮民宿ou must make sure every thing your bought for your son must be better than the thing you bought for yourself. You always bought new car for yourself, you have to buy a better brand new car for your son. Yourself not ever bought us 住商房屋ed car for youself, you must not bought a used car for your son in any way. If your son cannot be good enough to deal with new car problem, how dare you think he can be good enough to deal with any unexpected used car problem.] life than yourself.) anyon 澎湖民宿e under the best gun shot after natural disaster, you must make law to demand China Communist and your own military to seal your border after any natural disaster, and kill anyone trying to come or leave your Island, no matter what title they may wear. --------------- 保濕面膜---------------------------------------------------海嘯預測「差太大」 半個地球白恐慌 You think 「差太大」, because your eyes too suck to see your own suck; you think 「差太大」, because you are too suck to know your government has no ri 情趣用品ght not to prepare for the worst. It is not if but when, just like that sucking Angus Tung and all your sucking Taiwanese to think passed 50 years old, no way for me to wake up to see their sucks. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 九份民宿  .

vaqlzntsa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          Do your duty to nuclear America. Do not fooled by the sightseeing showing up in front of your eyes. Because when the sightseeing cannot even pleased your eyes, you already lost your freedom to do the kill. USA is still looked better than you, it is because they are your leader like their liar USA President lied as he's the first black president that black still blindly supported him at that time, you want him to lose all black backers, you must wait until he lost all good remaining to see that happening. You need to know that leader must have to do every thi 酒店兼職ng right for granted, must have to go for showing any evil minded or lie out immediately. Your President, your leader must have to die for you, not you to die for your leader or your President, that how you need to nuclear USA for they showing to allow that man injured for Reagon, blamed gun isntead of blaming their own President too suck to know how to stay inside his own White House.USA cannot even be good enough to keep their evil doer couple 0bama, foolish man George Bush junior, 房屋貸款US liar President's ass whore Hillary Clinton, fake man Condi Rice and Pelosi, inside their own USA soil, how dare you think they can have the ability to do the duty to keep any evil doers liars that back those evil doers liar obama, Clinton, fake man Condi rice Pelosi out of your place? How powerless helpless the American poor individual people must be? You just need to see how earless eyeless Godless lawless those US Congress old thieves that Chinese said "Loud.Are.Boot.4.10.Way.賊" seeing th 21世紀房屋仲介eir darkness fondness above youngsters free sleep time, young student's safty light like nothing dare shamelessly lawlessly Godlessly selfishly change our summer day time to see how school teachers kids's mothers lost their right and ability to guard their students and kids must needed interests to figure more by yourself; you just need to challenge those evil Chinese slaves wearing HisPanic face value earless eyelessly cut the lawn with the noisiest evil quality tools, those motor riders passing by with the evile 西裝st noise through this residential school zone to show their guts to commit the same noisiest crime in front of the doors of fake man Condi Rice Hillary Clinton Pelosi and evil doers 0bama Bill Clinton and all those US Congress "Loud.賊" (That can show you how evil those USA Congress "Loud.賊" and all their voters and all their illegal backers out of USA back yard must deserved to be nucleared gone with wind. For the crime those "Loud.賊" dare committed against USA Constitutuion right to take away the people's right to have the f 關鍵字行銷reedom to do the duty to kill as per every individual people's personal mad and personal conscious measure to help those "Loud.賊" <You need to kill any US Congress member who's older than 0bama couple to make sure that obama couple dare not abused white house power to look down anyone of them. 0nly Teacher can have the right "1.Loud.Mine.Loud"; otherwise, the older your opponent is, the lousier you must be >or any other American can have the good luck to die under most merciful gun shot to keep as much as possible good remaining to go ahead.) t 酒店打工o see how this entire Continent of America must be nucleared now before USA lost all good remaining too late for you to have the freedom to do like that.You stupid bad ugly evil US military force, dare shamelessly waste American tax payers money to build luxury Air Force 0ne Marine 0ne (then, what Air Force 0ne Marine 0ne @@When those stupid bad ugly evil USA elected liar Presidents could not even have the brain cell to see those Air Force 0ne Marine 0ne made for General's Rank, not for those stupid bad ugly evil US elected sucking head's picnic fun, not for those US elected suc 房屋出租king President's show off time, not for those US elected sucking First Couple's sucking relatives gethering crime; or they knew it, they just shamelessly selfishly take advantage of your General's shy to eat your General's mankind bonelessly, how dare you think those sucking USA liar President, USA sucking head, USA sucking First Couple can have any good will unselfish heart to care any you stupid bad ugly evil good better best US citizens's right? You own nuclear weapon, you dare not do the righteous duty to nuclear those shameless selfish USA biggest criminals suck, who can deserve y 酒肉朋友our nuclear weapons bombs?@@ for at the very beginning? Must be built for their own General. No way for your sucking elected whatever suckers. How come it got your sucking USA President eyes, must because there's a time USA indeed elected a free minded best mankind head, therefore, that General invited that free mind head to see if his free minded could have him have any even better idea to do better, because that good woman must have no way to help any General to do better out of her own place. That how US military must have no way to thank your shameless Jane Fonda shamelessly showing up out of her own place. ) to k 辦公室出租iss your liar USA President Bill Clinton and 0bama, see USA people lost her soil out of her back and front yards like nothing, see USA lost soil out of public streets private and public building like nothing, acting like those liars slaves, how dare you can have shame to show up your shameful wearing. You own unclear weapon, you dare not do the duty to kill billions that must have to rely on Mainland China and the Continent of America to suck, you must have to use that nuclear weapon to burn your entire own place.  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 帛琉  .

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