
          SHOCK: Man on trial killed as he attacks judge SHOCK: Man on trial killed as he attacks judge... That crime scene full of roomful witness, therefore, I think that man's lawyer needs to do 個人信貸the duty to ask US Supreme Court to sentence that killer (obviously showed too stupid bad ugly evil to know that judge must be more deserved 襯衫 to be killed than any individual stupid bad ugly evil civilian. To kill a defenseless individual innocent civilian on the floor of court, must more deserve to 租屋網be killed than that innocent civilian just making natural self-defense to respond that sucking judge abusive voice or attitude.) and that judge(You stupid bad ugly evil so called Judge 會場佈置 dare abuse your public power to look down any powerless individual civilian civil right to have the freedom to hide, you stupid bad ugly evil so called Judge dare abuse your publci power to call that pow 室內裝潢erless innocent individual weak wicked sick stupid bad ugly evil civilian up to offend him or her too mad to keep silent nice, you must more deserve to be killed and go to hells than any criminal in this earth.) to dead penal 信用卡代償ty to make them to pay their crime caught in the scene seeing that man's civil right like nothing in front of the justice righteous eyes and ears (Like Chinese said "Lie.Swall.10.Fail.Jer.Ben.10.10.Fail.Ren", therefore, any fair and balance 小額信貸ears and eyes Judge or Court must have to have the common sense and brain cell to make self judgement to see if the whistle blower can absolute have the better power of honesty to deserve the credibility to waste The Honorable Court and Judge to give ears and eyes to g 節能燈具rant the requested case. That how all business owner must have to see individual customer first so called "Customer First", because any business body must have no way to afford to seek the power of honesty from any powerless individual poor or rich single buyer. Because if that powerless ind 永慶房屋ividual poor and rich single buyer can do better than you business body, how come that single body need to come to pay you sucking business body to buy whatever you sucking goods may be) . .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

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